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Tom's Story Book
Tom's Story Book
This book is very simple to use.
To select a story all you need to
do is click with the mouse on any
one of the names on the right.
Once the story is up and running
you can turn the page with the
mouse by clicking on the relevant
icon. This is the DEMO version
the stories coloured green are
available in the full version only.
Thank you.
Tom Newsom.
+ click on a story
from the list below
A Dillar, A Dolar
A Ring, A Ring of Roses
Dick Whittington
Gulliver's Travels
Jack and Jill
Jack and The Beanstalk
Little Miss Muffet
Little Red Riding-Hood
Mary, Mary
O Dear what can the matter be?
Pat-a-Cake, Pat-a-Cake
Puss in Boots
Ride a Cock-Horse
Robin Hood
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
The Queen of Hearts
Three Blind Mice
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Wee Willie Winkie
Yankee Doodle
You`ve got to laugh!
Click in here for more information about the full program.
Title page
{/* ActionInfo - Give information about the action of an object the user
clicks on.
row = getclickrow('Click on the object whose action you want to learn about')
col = getcolumn()
obj = getobjectat(col, row)
name = getname(obj)
act = getaction(obj)
text = getactiontext(obj)
say 'object name: ' name
say 'action type: ' act
if text ~= '' then say 'action text: ' text
Tom's Story Book
This book is very simple to use.
To select a story all you need to
do is click with the mouse on any
one of the names on the right.
Once the story is up and running
you can turn the page with the
mouse by clicking on the relevant
icon. This is the DEMO version
the stories coloured green are
available in the full version only.
Thank you.
Tom Newsom.
+ click on a story
from the list below
A Dillar, A Dolar
A Ring, A Ring of Roses
Dick Whittington
Gulliver's Travels
I can do that!
Jack and Jill
Jack and The Beanstalk
Little Miss Muffet
Little Red Riding-Hood
Mary, Mary
O Dear what can the matter be?
Pat-a-Cake, Pat-a-Cake
Puss in Boots
Ride a Cock-Horse
Robin Hood
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
The Queen of Hearts
Three Blind Mice
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Wee Willie Winkie
Yankee Doodle
You`ve got to laugh!
Click in here for more information about the full program.
"Title page"
Once upon a time there was a little girl called Little
Red-Riding Hood. She was named this because of the
lovely red Hooded cape that she always wore.
One day, her mummy said " I want you to take some
food to Grandma's house. "
Grandma wasn't very well, and to make her feel a bit
better, Red Riding-Hood's mummy had made some
sandwiches, baked some cakes and bought some fruit.
These Things were packed into a basket so that Red
Turn the page...
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
Riding Hood could take them to Grandma's.
When all the things were packed into the basket, Mummy
covered them with a cloth. "Now put on your pretty red
cape, Red Riding-Hood," said Mummy. "Then you can set
off for for Grandma's house."
So Red Riding-Hood did that then off she went.
"Be sure you stay on the path that leads throught the
wood," said Mummy, as her little girl waved goodbye.
"Don't stray into the wood." "I won't, Mummy," called Red
Turn the page....
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
Riding-Hood. "I know the way to go so don't worry,
Mummy. See you later."
Red Riding-Hood loved going to visit Grandma. The
wood she had to walk through was full of pretty flowers
and trees, and there were lots of nice woodland
creatures that shyly peeped out at her as she walked
along the path. Red Riding-Hood knew that these
creatures were friendly and was not afraid.
But not all of the creatures who lived in the wood were
Turn the page....
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
friendly. There was one animal who lived in the wood,
who no one liked. He was a big, bad old wolf. All the other
woodland creatures kept away from this crafty, greedy,
nasty old wolf.
Well, as she walked through the wood, Red
Riding-Hood heard the sound of wood being chopped. Soon
she saw her daddy, who was a woodcutter, busy cutting
wood. "Where are you going, Red Riding-Hood?" he asked.
"I am taking food to Grandma's" she replied.
Turn the page....
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
"Well be careful" said Daddy. "There is a bad old wolf
living in this wood." "I'll be careful." said Red Riding-Hood.
"The wolf won't harm me." But that bad old wolf was
hiding behind a tree. "So that little girl has got food" he
grinned. "Yum yum." "Now, how do I get to Grandma's
house before Red Riding-Hood?" Thought the wolf. Then
he remembered that there was a shorter path that led
through the wood. So off he ran, as fast as he could.Little
Red Riding-Hood didn't see the wolf hurring ahead.
Turn the page....
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
He ran along the path that went through the thickest part
of the wood. "I am sure to get to the house first,"
grinned the wicked wolf. "Then all that lovely food will be
mine." The thought of the food made him run faster and
On the other side of the wood was Grandma's house.
Red Riding-Hood's daddy had built it for Grandma. It was a
nice wooden house with a bright yellow roof and a pretty
red door. Planted round the house were lots of flowers
Turn the page....
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
Grandma loved living there.
Panting and puffing, The bad old wolf came running up
the garden path to Grandma's house. He had arrived
before Red Riding-Hood, and now all he had to do was to
get into the house as quickly as he could. So he knocked
on the door, rat-a-tat-tat ! Inside Grandma was sitting
reading. "Who is there?" she asked, when she heard the
knock on the door. The wolf, making his voice as squeky
as he could, called, "It is me, Little Red Riding-Hood"
Turn the page....
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
"Mummy has sent some food for you Grandma."
Grandma smiled, put her book down, and called out, "Then
come in my dear. The door is not locked. And as it is
nearly tea-time, you can stay and join me." Outside the
wolf gave a big grin. Everything seemed to be working
just right!
Goodness! What a surprise poor Grandma had when the
door burst open and in rushed that bad old wolf. "It isn't
really Red Riding-Hood," laughed the wolf. "It is me!"
Turn the page....
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
"The clever, artful, hungry wolf!" He gave Grandma such
a fright that she jumped out of bed. "Go away, you horrid
animal," cried Grandma. But that bad old wolf just grinned
a toothy grin and said, "Get into that wardrobe and hide.
Keep as quiet as a mouse. If you come out, I shall gobble
you up!" Grandma quickly jumped in the wardrobe and hid.
Well, now Grandma was out of the way, the wolf could
carry out the next part of his plan. Putting on Grandma's
shawl, bedcap and glasses, he quickly got into bed. Just
Turn the page....
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
then he heard someone coming up the garden path. "Tea
is on it's way!" he grinned. Sure enough, just as the wolf
was scrambling into Grandma's bed, Red Riding-Hood was
coming up the garden path. She reached the front door
and knocked on it, rat-a-tat-tat. "Please may I come in
Grandma," cried out the little girl. "It's me, Little Red
The wolf, sitting in bed with the bedcap pulled tightly
over his ears, the shawl wrapped round his hairy
Turn the page....
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
shoulders and the glasses perched on his long nose said,
"Do come in, Red Riding-Hood. I have been expecting you."
So the little girl went in. "How did you know I was coming
Grandma?" she asked. "Oh, a little bird told me," said the
wolf in his special squeaky voice. As Red Riding-Hood put
down the basket, she looked at Grandma. What a suprise
she had. "Goodness, you do look different," she said. I
haven't been very well my dear," said the wolf. Well, Red
Riding-Hood put some food on a plate and took it to
Turn the page....
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
Grandma. As she got closer, Red Riding-Hood saw the
wolf's ears. "Goodness Grandma what big ears you have."
Said the little girl. "All the better to hear you with," said
the wolf, his eyes gleaming at the sight of the food. Red
Riding-Hood noticed the wolf's eyes. "Oh, Grandma, what
big eyes you have." she said. "All the better to see you
with," grinned the wolf hungrily. Then Red Riding-Hood
noticed the wolf's teeth. "My goodness, Grandma!" she
gasped. "What big teeth you have!" The wolf gave a great
Turn the page....
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
big toothy grin and said. "All the better to gobble up all this
lovely food!" And he leaped out of bed to get at the food!
"Oh, oh," went Red Riding-Hood. "Your not my Grandma.
Your a wolf! Awicked, nasty old wolf!" "Yes!" laughed the
wolf. "And I'm a clever, hungry wolf too! I have bben
looking forward to this tea for a long time!" Red
Riding-Hood ran from he house.
Well, as she ran away, she saw someone coming up the
path towards her. It was Daddy! He had come to see how
Turn the page....
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
Grandma was. "Quickly, Daddy." said Red Riding-Hood.
"There is a big nasty wolf in Grandma's house and he is
going to gobble up all the food." "Oh no he isn't" said
Daddy. "I will soon stop him." The wolf was just about to
start eating when he looked up. Standing in the doorway
was a big man, and in his hands is a big axe! "I am going to
chop you up, you greedy old wolf." said daddy. The wolf
didn't want to be chopped up. With a great big leap.He
jumped out of bed and went straight through the window.
Turn the page....
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
Red Riding-Hood just had to laugh, as she saw the
frightenedwolf, go running off. "That serves you right."
she laughed.
Red Riding-Hood hurried into the house. "Where can poor
old Grandma be?" she asked. "Do you think that the bad
old wolf has eaten her?" "Call out," said Daddy. So Red
Riding-Hood Called out, "Grandma where are you? The
wolf has gone." The wardrobe door opened.
"Is it safe," said a voice. "This isn't another trick is it?"
Turn the page....
"Little Red Ridng-Hood"
"No" Said Red Riding hood. "You are safenow. Daddy has
chased that bad old wolf away, Look!" Grandma cluckled
as she saw the terrified wolf running of never to be seen
Grandma was pleased to see litlle Red Riding-Hood safe
and sound. "Now that bad old wolf has gone," said
Grandma. "You must both stay for tea. There is plenty
for all of us." So Red Riding-Hood and her Daddy stayed
and had a nice tea.
Turn the page....
"Little Red Riding-Hood"
After tea, Daddy mended the window that the wolf had
broken when he escaped. Then he and Red Riding-Hood
set off home. "We will come to see you again soon", called
Red Riding-Hood. "And next time we won't be bothered by
that bad old wolf" said Daddy.
The End
The End
Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey
There came a big spider
Who sat down beside her
And chased Miss Tuffet away.
Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
To get a pail of water
Jack fell down
And broke his crown
And Jill came Tumbling after.
Then up Jack got
And home did trot
As fast as he could caper
To old Dame Dob
Who patched his nob
In vinegar and brown paper.
Title screen
Tom's Story Book
This electronic book was written using HYPERBOOK(tm) from GOLD DISK
and several rather sore fingers! Two actaully, both index fingers!
My name is Thomas Newsom, I wrote Tom's Story Book (originally Dad`s
Story Book) for my two young sons to help them with their reading and to
aid them with their computer literacy.
If you like what you see here then maybe you could see your way clear
to rewarding me for my effort. 5 pounds would be nice and in return I'll
send you the complete Story Book with lots more stories in it, some more
jokes in it and section on thing to make.
Thank you for reading this file. Remember the full book has over 25
stories/rhymes in it, over 100 jokes and about 30 things to make.
My address --> Thomas Newsom,
94 Belvoir Street,
Princes Avenue, / If I find any letters marked
Hull HU5 3LR, / with N. Humberside here I will
East Yorkshire ------ totally ignore them!
England. ( Bigoted Yorkie I AM! )
The legend of Robin Hood and his Merrie Men began over six hundred
years ago, deep down in the heart of Sherwood Forest. Robin was a loyal
subject of King Richard who was away fighting in the Crusades. The King was
so brave and noble that people named him 'Richard the Lionheart'.
England was ruled by the evil Prince John. who was free to do as he
wanted while King Richard was away. Prince John spent all his days collecting
taxes from the poor, helped by the wicked Sherriff of Nottingham.
Robin Hood became an outlaw and was forced to hide in Sherwood
Forest because the Sheriff was after him. The Sheriff's one desire was to
catch bold Robin and him men, then imprison them all in the darkest dungeon
of Nottingham Castle.
Robin was an expert Archer and would often spend his time practising
his skill. Soon Robin had gathered together a loyal group of followers. One
day he got them all together and told them of his plan.
Choose another story
"Robin Hood"
"We can't stand by and watch the poor people pay taxes 'til they starve to
death!" said Robin to his men. "we'll rob the rich and give it back to the
poor!" And so, because his kind deeds, Robin and his men soon became a hero
all over the land.
When the Sheriff's men came riding along the forest paths with their
saddle bags full of money, Robin and his men would jump from behind the
trees, ties up the soldiers and grab the gold. Sometimes the soldiers would
drive carts laoded with treasure through Sherwood. Then Robin's band of
men would hide up in the oak tree branches. As the carts passed below,
they would silently reach down and grab the gold. What a surprise the
guards who drove the carts would have when they drove into the courtyard
of Nottingham Castle and find that every bag of gold had gone! This made
the Sheriff angrier than ever, for he knew that Robin Hood and his outlaw
band had outwitted him once more!
Choose another Story
Next time Prince John came from London to Nottingham Castle, the
Sheriff had no gold to give him. "Capture Robin Hood at once!" screamed the
Prince, "or I will hang you from the gates of your own castle!" Now this
made even the wicked Sheriff tremble with fear. Soon notices appeared all
over Sherwood. The Sheriff's men nailed them to the tree trunks in all the
clearings and glades of the forest.
The sign said >>
The Sheriff of Nottingham offers
1,000 gold pieces as a reward for
the capture of ROBIN HOOD.
But Robin was quite safe in the forest, no-one would ever give him away.
Stories of his brave deeds had spread far and wide. Wandering minstrels
sang songs about him, and the poor up and down the land called him a hero.
A minstrel called Alan-a-Dale came to live in Sherwood together with
Choose another page
many more men the Sheriff wanted to kill. There was Will Scarlet, who
always wore a red cloak instead of the Lincoln Green the rest of the
Merrie Men wore. Then the was Little John, a great giant, who could kill a
man with one blow of his huge wooden staff. Robin Hood was the only man
he couldn't beat. When they first met, Robin knocked Little John into a
stream and gave him a soaking-after that the two became friends.
Once they were deep in the forest, Robin and his band felt quite safe
from the Sheriff and his men, for they knew every secret path to take
and every hollow tree in which they could hide. When the day was done Robin
and his men would have supper under the Greenwood trees. Then, before bed
they would sit around a log fire telling stories of their many adventures.
Some nights, if there was lots of food on the table, Friar Tuck would
appear as if by magic. "sit down and eat your fill good Friar!" Robin joked.
For he knew Friar Tuck could eat every scrap of food on the table-and
Choose another Story
then some more. The Sheriff's soldiers ofter visited Friar Tuck's church and
took all the money he had collected to help the poor and sick. Sad to say
Friar Tuck was a bit too large round his middle to use a bow and arrow. In
spite of that he often found ways of helping theoutlaws.
One evening just before sunset, Robin and his band were having a
contest to see who could fire the most arrows into target pinned to a
tree trunk. All of a sudden the outlaws heard the snap of a twig and the
rustling of leaves. Quick as a flash they seemed to melt away into the
Greenwood. Out of the trees and into the clearing stepped a beautiful girl
dressed in fine clothes. It was Robin's Lady Marion, or 'Maid Marion' as she
was known in Sherwood Forest. Lady Marion was a great favourite of the
Sheriff and often stayed within the wall of Nottingham Castle as his guest.
But whenever she could, Marion would dress in Lincoln Green, take her
longbow and ride secretly into the forest to help Robin Hood. When they
Choose another Story
saw Maid Marion, the outlaws came out of hiding to greet her. "I have little
time to spare," she gasped. "The Sheriff is planning to trap all of you at
dawn tomorrow. Somehow I will find a way to let you know his plan." And
with that she was gone!
That night after dinner in the Great Hall of Nottingham Castle,Maid
Marion over heard the Sheriff tel the Captain of the Guard his plan. Maid
Marion hid behind a curtain that hung at the back of the Sheriff's chair.
When she was quite sure she had heard all of his wicked plan, she slipped up
stairs to her bedroom high up in the castle tower. "I must go to Sherwood
straight away and warn Robin," whispered Marion. But when she peeped
outside her bedroom door, the Sheriff had posted a guard on either side.
She was trapped! Quickly she locked her door, then carefully tore a square
of white clothe from her bed sheet. On it she wrote these words :
>>>>>>>> Beware the wagons - but capture the donkey
! <<<<<<<<
Choose another Story
Next she wrapped the message round an arrow, then took her longbow from
its hiding place. Maid Marion crossed to the window. It would take every bit
of strength she had to fire her arrow away from the castle and into the
forest. She slowly took aim, pulled back the bowstring and fired. The arrow
flew high over the castle moat in the moonlight and dropped into the dark
trees beyond. One of Robins men on watch at the edge of the forest heard
the arrow thud against a tree. When he saw the message he blew three loud
blasts on his hunting horn. In next to no time Robin and the Merrie Men
heard the signal and hurried to the spot to read Marion' message. "We have
all night to think of a plan," chuckled Robin. "At dawn the Sheriff's men will
be in for a big surprise!"
When they got back to camp they were all sat round the fire when Robin
suddenly smiled and said "My Merrie Men I have a plan, and this is it." They
all huddled closer together and Robin explained his plan.
Choose another Story
Next morning Robin Hood and his Merrie men awoke and went to their
positions in the forest and waited for Robin to give a low whistle, this was
the signal to attack the Sheriff's men.
Hour after hour went by then suddenly they heard the sound of the wagons
coming through the forest. Closer and closer they got until they were right
underneath where Robin's men where hiding in the trees.
Robin gave a low whistle! The men up in the trees jumped down on top of
the wagons. They began to bang on the side of the barrels with their
staves. Of course, Robin had guessed that the Sheriff's men were hiding
inside the barrels. What a fright they got from all that noise and banging.
Next, Robin and his men drove the wagons out of the forest to the brow
of a hill. "Come, Little John," shouted Robin. "Show the Sheriff how strong
you are!" And with that Little John grabbed each barrel and one by one
tossed them down the hill.
Choose another Story
How the Sheriff's men Yelled and shouted as they rolled over and over
down the slope. Some of the barrels fell into the river that flowed at the
bottom. They floated downstream bobbing up and down in the water. Robin
and the outlaws roared with laugher. Now Friar Tuck had remembered the
last part of Maid Marion's message that said, "Catch the donkey!" So while
Robin's men had been doing all the hard work, Friar Tuck calmly stepped
from behind a large tree, grabbed the reins of the donkey, knocked the
hooded man to the ground, then sat on him until Robin came. "What have we
hear, good Friar?" cried Little John when the outlaws returned. "I do
believe that you have flattened the Sheriff of Nottingham! joked Robin as he
pulled the hooded to his feet. Meanwhile Friar Tuck had discovered that the
donkey-cart was full of gold from Nottingham Castle. "We'll have the
biggest feast Sherwood Forest has ever seen," giggled the Friar, patting his
stomach. "That we will," cried Robin laughing. "But first I'll deal with our
Choose another Story
Friend the Sheriff." And with that Robin tied the Sheriff's hands behind his
back and placked him on the donkey, back to front. he was last seen
trotting back to Nottingham.
That night a great feast was held in the Greenwood. People came from
miles around to share the food and join in the fun. After all the food was
bought there was still plenty of gold left over, Robin Hood and the Merrie
Men of Sherwood Forest gave it to the poor.
Mary, Mary quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells,
And pretty maids all in a row
The End
"Mary Mary"
Aladdin lived with his mother in a poor part
of Old China. He was a kind hearted boy and
always did his best to help his mother in any way
that he could. One day he was out running an
errand for his mother, when he was stopped by
an old man. Abenazer was his name, and he was a
wicked old man who was greedy for riches. "You
and your mother are very poor" Abenazer said to
Aladdin. "Wouldn't you like to have riches and live
like a prince?" "Well," replied Aladdin. "It would be
nice not to be quite so poor." Abenazer grinned
slyly. "I can make you rich for the rest of your
life, if you come with me now and do me a small
service." Aladdin was puzzled and curious, so he
let Abenazer lead him to a high mountain which
had a tunnel that wound its way through the
inside of it. It was a dangerous tunnel full of
crumbling rocks, and no-oneever set foot in it.
"At the end of the tunnel is a large cave,"
explained Abenazer. "In it you will find chests
full of treasures beyond your wildest dreams. I
want none of it. You may have as much as you
can carry. Just bring me the ancient lamp of
bronze that lies amongst the treasure." Aladdin's
eyes were wide with wonder. "All I have to do is
get you the old lamp and I can have the rest?"
"That is all," nodded Abenazer. Aladdin was more
puzzled than ever. Abenazer took a ring off his
finger and gave it to Aladdin. "Tkae this," he said
"It will keep you safe from the dangers of the
cave." Aladdin put it on, wondering what dangers
lay ahead for him, and felt a little frightened.
"The entrance to the tunnel is a bit small," he
said bending to squeeze through the small gap in
the rock. At that, Abenazer raised his arms and
shouted, "
Open Sesame!
" and to Aladdin's surprise
the large rock rolled to one side revealing the
dark, damp tunnel. "Be back in 15 minutes or the
rock will close up and never open again," warned
Abenazer. Aladdin set off carefully down the
tunnel, which soon opened into a large cave that
was lit up with all manner of beautiful, glittering
delights. He couldn't believe his eyes. He wandered,
wide eyed, round all the chests filled with gold,
silver and jewels. Then he remembered Abenazer's
Warning. Quickly, he set about searching for the
bronze lamp. He found it on the floor next to
one of the chests and scooping it up, he ran as
fast as he could down the tunnel. To his horror,
he could see the rock begin to roll back over the
entrance. "Quickly!" cried Abenazer. "Throw me the
lamp!" "Help me!" cried Aladdin, "Stop the rock
from shutting the entrance!" But Abenazer wasn't
interested in Aladdin. "Throw me The lamp!"
Too late. The tunnel was sealed and Aladdin was
trapped inside the gloom. "Get me out!" he cried
in the darkness, but he knew Abenazer wouldn't
help him, and no-one else knew he was there.
He picked his way back to the cave and wept.
Hours past and Aladdin felt helpless. Then he
remembered the ring that Abenazer had given to
him. He pulled it out of his pocket. It was a
dirty old ring, and Aladdin rubbed it on his
sleeve to see it more clearly. Immediate there was
a flash of light and a Genie appeared right in
front of him. "I am the Slave of the Ring," the
voice boomed. "Tell me your wish," Aladdin was
stunned. "I just want to be out of here and home
safe and sound." Aladdin felt a rush of wind take
him and sweep him upwards. The next thing he
knew, he was back at home with his mother who
was amazed at his sudden appearance!
Aladdin told her about everything that had
happened to him. "Whatever would Abenazer want
with a dirty old lamp like this when there is all
that treasure in the cave?" she asked. "It really
is very strange." Taking a cloth she rubbed it to
try to make it shine. Straight away, thick smoke
bellowed up from the lamp and filled the room.
Aladdin and his mother stared as another Genie -
even bigger than the first, appeared from the
smoke. "
I am the Genie of the Lamp, and master of
all Genies. I may grant you 3 wishes. What will
they be?
" Aladdins mother couldn't speak through
fear, but Aladdin was used to Genies now. "We have
no food in the house," he said. "Please fetch
enough food to fill the table." In a flash the
table was filled with a feast that Aladdin
thought only the Emperor himself ever enjoyed.
What power was in the lamp. Little wonder it was
all Abenazer had wanted. Aladdin looked down at
his shabby clothes and immediately thought of
another wish. "Please give us fine clothes to
replace our old and tattered rags." No sooner
had he said it than a chest full of fine garments
appeared, all made in silks and velvets and
decorated with lace and gems. "We can't have good
food, fine clothes without a fine house to go with
them," thought Aladdin. In the blink of an eye, his
third wish was granted. From then on, Aladdin and
his mother lived a very grand life indeed.
One day, as Aladdin was out in the city the
Emperor and his daughter came his way in the
Royal Procession. They were riding elephants, and
many other nobles rode behind them. It was
forbidden to look upon the Emperor's daughter
because she was so beautiful, but Aladdin couldn't
help himself. As soon as he set eyes on her, he
fell in love with her, and knew he wanted to
marry her. Summoning the Genie of the lamp,
Aladdin made a wish. "Bring me gold and jewels so
that I can give them to the Emperor." The wish
was granted, and Aladdin set off for the palace
with his gifts. Baboobadoor, the Emperor's
daughter, saw Aladdin from behind a screen and
wondered why this handsome stranger had come
to the palace, and hoped it had something to do
with her. The Emperor liked Aladdin and was even
more impressed with the gifts he had brought. In
return for them, he offered Badoobadoor's hand
in marriage. Aladdin and badoobadoor were
married and were given their own palace to live
in. Life was full of exitement, and Aladdin's
mother also lived there with riches of her own.
Aladdin had forgotten about Abenazer, but
Abenazer had not forgotten him - or the lamp..
Dressing as a peddler. he went to the palace one
day shouting, "New lamps for old! New lamps for
old!" Badoobadoor thought it would be a lovely
idea to replace Aladdin's old lamp with a new one.
"Wouldn't it be a lovely surprise for him?" She
sent her slave to the peddler to exchange the
old lamp for a new one. The deed done Abenazer
left the city quickly and went to his secret hiding
place near the mountains. Rubbing the lamp, the
Genie immediately appeared to ask what Abenazer
wished. At his command, the Genie transported
Aladdin's palace and Badoobadoor and the lamp
away to a far off land, where Aladdin would
never find them. Aladdin was in despair when he
discovered what had happened. What could he do?
Desparately, he rubbed the magic ring. "Please
bring my Badoobadoor back to me," he begged the
Slave of the Ring. "This needs a stronger magic
than I have," said the Slave of the Ring. "Only the
Genie of the Lamp may grant you this." "Then
take me to where the lamp is," pleaded Aladdin. In
an instant, Aladdin was standing in his own palace.
Badoobadoor was weeping bitterly , her head in
her hands. "Don't cry Badoobadoor," he soothed, "I
am here." Badoobadoor was startled but very
pleased to see her Aladdin again. Badoobadoor
told Aladdin how Abenazer kept her as his slave
and was very cruel to her, telling her she would
never see Aladdin again. Aladdin gave her a small
bottle containing a deadly poison. "When you pour
Abenazer's drink tonight, drop a little of this
into his goblin," he instructed Badoobadoor. That
evening, as Badoobadoor served Abenazer his wine
at dinner, she secretly emptied the poison into a
goblet and gave it to Abenazer. Greedily,
Abenazer drank it all, and ordered Badoobadoor
to pour him some more. Before she could, he let
out a strangled cry and clutched his stomach, In
seconds, he was dead.
Aladdin took the lamp and rubbed it. "Genie,
please take us home," and in no time at all they
were back in China where they belonged, and where
they lived happily for the rest of their lives.
They lived happily ever after.
Wee Willie Winkie
Runs through the town
Upstairs and downstairs
In his nightgown
Rapping at the window
Crying through the lock
Is your child in bed yet
For now it's eight o'clock
Yankee Doodle came to town
Riding on a pony
He stuck a feather in his cap
And called it macaroni
O Dear, what can the matter be?
Dear, dear, what can the matter be?
O Dear what can the matter be?
Johnny's so long at the fair.
He promised he'd buy me a fairing
should please me,
And then for a kiss, oh! he vowed he
would tease me,
He promised he'd bring a bunch of blue
To tie up my bonnie brown hair.
It's O dear, what can the matter be?
Dear, dear, what can the matter be?
O dear, what can the matter be?
Johnny's so long at the fair.
Return to
the Title Page
"Oh dear"
Click here for a
lot of laughs
"Ha Ha!"
Q. When things go wrong,
What can you always count on?
Your fingers.
Q. Why were screams coming
from the kitchen?
The cook was beating eggs.
Q. Is it dangerous to swim on a
full stomach?
Yes. It`s better to swim in water.
Q. If you plug your electric blanket
into the toaster, what happens?
You pop up all night.
Q. What kind of spy hangs around
department stores?
A counterspy.
Q. What happened when the man sat
on a pin?
Nothing. It was a safety pin.
Q. Why did the spy speak in a
He was on a hush-hush mission.
Q. Why is an eye like a man being
Because it`s under the lash.
Q. What do you call a baby whale
that cries?
A little blubber.
Q. What diploma do criminals get?
The third degree.
Q. When is a clock nervous?
When it`s all wound up.
Q. Why do people beat their clocks?
To kill time.
Q. Spell mousetrap with 3 letters?
C - A - T .
Q. Why wasn`t the girl afraid of the
Because it was a man-eating
Q. A policeman saw a lorry driver
going the wrong way down a one-
way street, but didn`t give him a
ticket. Why not?
The lorry driver was walking !
Q. If you were walking in a jungle
and saw a lion what time would it
Time to run.
Q. What would you have if you car`s
motor was on fire?
A fire engine.
Q. What did the rug say to the
I`ve got you covered.
Q. What did the picture say to the
I`ve been framed.
Q. What paper do animals read?
Gnus papers!
Q. Why is your heart like a
Because it follows a regular beat.
Q. Why was the lobster arrested?
Because it kept pinching things.
Q. What kind of clothes do lawyers
Q. How can you jump off a 70ft
ladder and not hurt yourself?
Jump off the bottom rung !
Q. Why is a sinking ship like a person
in jail?
They both need bailing out.
Q. Why did the robber take a bath?
So he make a clean getaway.
Q. What is a rifle with 3 barrels?
A trifle !
Q. What animal breakes the law?
A cheetah.
Q. How did the farmer cure his pig?
He used oinkment.
Q. What do you call a person who
doesn`t have all his fingers on
one hand?
Normal. Fingers are supposed to
be on be two hands.
Knock knock
Who`s there?
Ammonia who?
Ammonia little kid.
Knock knock
Who`s there?
Adolf who?
Adolf ball hit me in
the mowf!
Knock Knock
Who`s there?
Boo-hoo who?
Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo who
Stop it you`re
making me cry!
Do you like these jokes?
Want to see some more?
You do?
Well send 5 pounds to the
address in the read.me file
and I`ll send you lots of
jokes just like these!
Quiet at the back!
Return to main menu
Sleeping Beauty
There was once a king and queen who had no children of
their own. They wished and wished for children , but for many
years their wish did not come true.
But then, one day, much to the delight of the king and
queen they had a lovely baby girl.
The king and queen were so happy that they decided to
have the most wonderful christening party.
"We shall invite everyone to our daughter`s christening,"
said the king. Then he and the queen set to work writing all
the invitations.
Living in the land of the king were some fairies. "Make
sure you deliver the invitations to the faries first," said the
king. "It is important that they come to the christening."
The messenger promised to do as the king asked and off he
galloped on his horse straight to the place were the faries
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The fairies were very pleased to be invited to the castle.
"Tell the king and queen that we shall come," said the fairies.
So the messenger rode off to deliver the rest of the
All the fairies got an invitation except one, and she was a
bad tempered fairy. When she saw the messenger ride by
without leaving her an invitation she said, "So they do not
want me come to their christening. But I
go, and they
will regret it! "
The reason the bad tempered fairy did not get invited was
because the king and queen thought she was dead.
On the day of the christening, all the folk of the land
started to arrive at the castle, bringing with them wonderful
gifts for the princess.
The people loved their king and queen and so bought the
most expensive presents they could afford.
The first to arrive were the good fairies. "As well as our
gifts we have magic blessings for your child." said the fairies.
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The first fairy gave the baby a wooden horse, and blessed
her with beauty. The second fairy brought her a beautiful
blanket and blessed the child good health. The third brought
her flowers that would never die and blessed her with
Just as the fourth fairy was about to give the baby her
gift the wicked fairy arrived. Everybody shrank back in terror,
as they saw the anger on her face. "You invited everybody to
the party except me." said the fairy. "But I have a gift too! "
"This is the gift I have for your child," cackled the fairy.
"On her eighteenth birthday she will prick her finger on the
spindle of a spinning wheel and she will DIE ! " Then suddenly
the fairy vanished ! "
"What can we do?" gasped the queen. The fourth fairy
smiled and said "I cannot stop the wicked fairy`s magic, but I
can change it. If you daughter pricks her finger, she will not
die, but she will fall asleep, and only wake up if a handsome
prince kisses her.
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The king and queen were very grateful to the fairy. But
to make sure the wicked fairy`s spell did not work, the king
ordered that all the spinning wheels in the land should be
burnt. Soon a huge bonfire of spinning wheels was burning.
The king and queen`s daughter grew up to be a very
beautiful girl, who was healthy and very, very happy. To
celebrate her eighteenth birthday, the king and queen promised
to give their daughter a wonderful birthday party.
On the day of the princess`s birthday party, everyone was
very busy preparing food and getting the castle ready for the
guests. So no one noticed the princess when she found a
staircase that she had never seen before. She decided she would
explore it. The staircase led to a door, the princess knocked on
"Come in, my dear," said a voice. When the princess opened
the door and went inside she saw a nice old lady sitting at a
spinning wheel. "What is that you are using? " she asked.
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"This my dear is a spinning wheel," said the old lady. "Have
you ever used one?" Of course the princess had never seen one
before so obviously had never used one. "Come and sit at the
wheel, I will show you how it works," said the old lady.
But as soon as the princess touched the spinning wheel,
she pricked her finger and fell to the ground, fast asleep. "Ha
ha," laughed the old lady, as she changed into the wicked fairy.
"My spell has worked just as I said it would." Then she vanished.
By now the king and queen were womdering where their
daughter was. They searched the castle and found the strange
staircase. When they entered the room, they saw their
duaghter fast asleep on the floor next to the spinning wheel.
"Oh no," gasped the queen. "The wicked fairy`s spell has come
true." Gently the king carried his daughter to her room and
laid her on the bed. Then the king and queen sat on their
throne to watch over their daughter. But they too began to
feel very, very sleepy. Infact everyboby who was in the castle
started to feel sleepy too.
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Down in the kitchen the cooks fell asleep as they did the
cooking, the scullery maid fell asleep and so did the kitchen
cat, bird and even the mouse.
They all stayed that way for one hundred years, during
that time a huge forest had grown around the castle almost
blocking it from view.
By now one hundred years had passed.
One day a prince and his servant were riding by when the
prince happened to glance up and noticed the turrets of a
"Who lives in the castle in the middle of the forest? asked
the prince.
"I have heard stories of a beautiful princess who has been
asleep for a hundred years in that castle." said his servant.
The prince was very interested in this story and asked his
servant to tell him the whole story. "I must find a way
through the forest to see this strange castle for myself," said
the prince.
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All the different paths the prince tried were blocked by
strong bramble bushes and weeds. Eventually he got out his
sword and started hacking a path through the undergrowth.
Soon the prince was very tired, but he was determined to
reach the castle, so he hacked and hacked until he reached the
castle`s gate.
Lying asleep by the gateway were two guards. "Wake up
you lazy fellows," ordered the prince. But the guards just
snored back at him!
Inside the castle, the prince had an even bigger surprise.
The courtyard was full of sleeping people, and everywhere he
looked there was dust and cobwebs. Grass and weeds grew
between the flagstones, and the whole castle looked dirty and
"How can the castle have got in such a state?" thought
the prince.
The prince decided to explore even more. Everywhere he
went he found sleeping people.
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Soon he found a room that was cleaner than the others.
there were no cobwebs hanging from the ceiling, no dust on the
floor and a king and queen sat asleep on the throne. Then the
prince saw the beautiful girl sleeping on the bed. The prince
walked toward the princess, his heart beating loudly in his
chest. He had never seen such a beautiful girl in his life
before. Slowly he bent over the princess and kissed he gently
on the cheek. Suddenly the princess`s eyelids started to move
and then she blinked her eyes open, and saw the prince.
The spell had been broken.
As the girl woke up, everyone else in the castle woke up
too. All the cobwebs and dust vanished, the forest that had
surrounded the castle vanished too. It was as if nothing had
ever happened. Everything was back to normal just like it was
one hundred years ago.
As soon as the princess saw the prince she fell in love
with him and eventually they got married.
And they lived Happily Ever After.
Choose another story
Over the next few pages I
will be showing how to make
a few simple things, From
bookmarks to book covers
and from a matchbox clock to
a garage.
All sorts of paper: Plain,coloured,tissue,crepe,sweet wrappers,magazines,
Newspaper etc. Scraps of material. Bits of wool. Carboard tubes. Tin foil.
Egg boxes. Jam jars. String. Cord. Ribbons. Cotton reels. Corks. Feathers.
Bottle tops. Shells and pebbles. Cardboard boxes of all sizes. Anything!
Useful things to collect
Some simple rules
ALWAYS wear an overall. Be very careful with glue. Put newspaper
on working surfaces and put things away when you're finished.
go to
here to
go on
The ones that are coloured
green are only available
in the full version
A dolls house
A garage
A puppet theatre
A stick puppet
A village
Badges and broaches
Book ends
Book jacket
Book marks
Cardboard jigsaw
Christmas tree
Cotton reel models
Desk tidy
Eggbox animals
Father Christmas
Handkerchief mouse
Jam jar snowstorm
Paper lantern
Party hat
Pebble paper weights
Red Indian headdress
Robot costume
Salt dough models
Some dolls house furniture
Stick puppet
Tie on mask
Toy box
Wall tidy
Yoghurt pot people
to the
main menu
to the
main menu
Tell me how to make
A Garage
You will need :-)
Small flat cardboard
Piece of thick
cardboard bigger than
the bottom of the
5 match boxes,
Plain paper,
String, scissors,
Glue, Paint,
And your felt pens or
Turn the box upside down and paint it white
all over. Leave this to dry. Paint one side
of the large sheet of cardboard white as
well. Leave this to dry also.
Draw two doors on the side of the box and
cut along the top of the door and up the
middle. Fold the flaps back carefully to make
the doors. They should swing open.
Make ramp by leaning a strip of cardboard against the box and taping
one end to the box. Take the big box and put some glue all around the
bottom edges stick this in the middle of the other piece of cardboard.
You should now have a forecourt for your garage. From here you can add
some finishing touches. You can make petrol pumps out of match boxes by
covering them with paper and drawing on them. Tape string on them to make
hoses. Using your felt pens draw windows and put lines on the forecourt.
Now you can put your toys cars in the garage.
A Christmas Tree
You will need :-
A large circle of
thin cardboard.
Scraps of coloured
Wrapped sweets.
Sticky tape
Some paints or felt
pens or crayons.
Take the circle of cardboard and make a cut
from the outside to the dead centre then make
a cone shape. Tape the edges together so they
don`t come apart. When it is joined together
paint it the colour you want the tree to be.
Cut out small circles from the scraps of
coloured paper you have and make little cuts
around the edges to make a small fringe.
Put a very small amount of glue in the centre
of the cirlce and stick a wrapped sweet to it.
Then put a very small amount of glue on to
the tree and stick the circle with the sweet
stuck on it on to the tree.
Stick as many circles as you like on the tree
like this.
When you have finished your Christmas tree
you could put it in the middle of the table
during your Christmas dinner.
Maybe you could
place small presents
under it for your
friends on Christmas
day you can share the
A Desk Tidy
You will need :-
2 long cardbord
2 plastic bottles.
20cm square of
strong cardboard.
2 large sheets of
wrapping paper.
Scissors, Glue.
Sticky tape.
Cover the square of cardboard with the
wrapping paper. Make sure you stick it down
properly on the bottom.
Ask a grown up to cut the top off the two
plastic bottles and to cut one tube in half.
When you have done that cover the part tubes and the part bottles
with the wrapping paper. Use the sticky tape and make sure you stick
the edges together carefully. Now you can glue the bottles and tubes to
the square covered cardboard.
You can add more bottles and tubes if you want to. You can even make
the whole desk tidy bigger if you have to!
Now you have a desk tidy that you
can keep your pens,pencils,ruler,
scissors,paper clips in. Very useful!
Salt Dough Models
You will need :-
Plain white flour.
Salt and water.
Cooking oil.
A mixing bowl
Some paints.
Varnish and brush
Before you start to do this modelling you
should ask a grown up if it alright for you to do
so, because you are going to need to use the oven
and you should never use an oven on your own.
Mix equal amounts of salt and flour in a bowl. Add a little cooking
oil and enough water to make a dough. Knead it until the dough is soft
and stretchy
( Kneading is were you keep squashing it in your hands, if
your not sure ask a grown up ).
From here you can make anything you like.
When you have made your models, leave them to dry for two days, then
ask a grown up to put them in the oven at a low light. Leave them for
four hours until they are very hard. Make sure they don`t burn.
Now you can paint your models or maybe varnish them. Salt Dough keeps
for a long time in an airtight bag or a sealed down tin.
Book marks
You will need :-
Peices of thin
An envelope.
Your felt pens.
This is an easy one to make. Draw a picture of a
snake on the thin card. Snakes are very colourful so
colour your snake in. When you have done this, cut
around the outline of your snake and you will have a
book mark!
This one is even easier to make. Take an envelope and cut the corners
off so that you have four triangles. Colour then in any colour you want.
You use it by slipping it over the corner of the page yuou want to mark.
These are two very simple types of book marks. I`m sure with a bit of
imagination you could come up with better ones than this! You can? Do it!